
Bite Me [fight training]



3 Years
06-17-2016, 02:46 AM


Lourdes was still adjusting to Myriad, having spent more time in the woods than she had the plains. In fact, this was her first time venturing to the plains. She hadn't been apart of the pack for long, but after proving her skills to Riv, she had gained a bit of confidence in herself and actions. The howl of Riv is what brought her closer, coming forward just like any other pack member would to the call.

She had not been the first, no, she seemed to be one of the few coming in last. She had not met many of the other pack members, and this meeting would surely grant her that. Doe-brown eyes gazed around as she came into view, gaze drinking in the site of those around her. It was refreshing to see that Myriad had a steady, growing member base. "Riv-sama." The native words of Riv's own language fell from her tongue, head dipping to him out of respect as she had inched closer to be in his view. She lifted, giving him a soft, warm smile before joyful eyes turned to look at the others. She did not know any of them, they were all new to her view and she couldn't wait to know the names of them. There was an orange-marked female, another with bells, a tri-colored female and a blind wolf with a.. companion. Well, an odd mix for sure. She didn't let that stop her, though. Moving to the outer circle, Lourdes gave kind and warming smiles to those she made eye-contact with, and settled down to her haunches. She had taken notice that she was the smallest at the gathering so far, but that would not do anything to diminish her small confidence and joyous appearance. This was her pack now, her home- and soon she hoped to have bonds with all of these wolves here as a family.