
Can't Keep My Hands To Myself



3 Years
06-17-2016, 01:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2016, 02:00 PM by Lourdes.)


The woman did not give her hostility nor ill looks, but rather a smile had come on her face- well, after she had gotten her head out of the hole. Her head shook with amusement as the female fell on her rump, eyes filled with the laughter she held in. She seemed friendly, and it gave Lourdes high hopes for the rest of Myriad. If everyone had the same outlook as this female, there was no doubt she'd be getting along with them all!

Excitement seemed to dance on her paws, her bells sounding with each shift of her weight. Lourdes looked at them in awe for a moment, but didn't want to be caught staring. She quickly looked back up to her, smiling. Her ears perked at her words- excitement now flowing through her own veins. "Really? I've been meaning to search for a den, time has always slipped from me though..." Her voice was soft, but she did not go on about how time seemed to run from her. Shaking her head, she followed after the bell woman, leaping over the small river just like she had- her smaller frame making it easier for her. Her head turned back, only to see the silver woman falling back down. "Oh!" Her voice sounded, but she was far too late to do any help for her. A giggle left her throat at the sight- but she also felt bad for the female, no matter how much she played it off as funny. "Your.. neck thing is going to be all muddy now." She spoke gently as her gaze traveled the length of it. Yet they were off again- almost as if she totally hadn't body slammed into the mud and water. Finally a name sounded out, and Lourdes smiled warmly. "Jaelle, that's a lovely name." She complimented, walking along side her silvery companion. The girl truly was unique, and she could tell she was genuine- or at least she hoped.

Doe-brown eyes looked over the land, humps of roots sticking out to and fro. The one issues they would face in finding the den, was the waters. A sigh left her maw as her paw touched to one of the wet roots- it would be useless unless summer would dry it all up. But even then, they would have to look for even more dens due to having to have one for each season. If they could find a solid den, it would last year round. Lourdes watched Jaelle, she had jumped onto the roots and examined them herself. She laughed slightly when Jaelle attempted to get a drink of the water, and once her head moved out of the way- she let her own gaze peer into it more. Yup, nothing worth wasting their efforts on. "What about somewhere with more dry land?" She suggested calmly, eyes looking around. It'd be hard to find that- there seemed to be streams everywhere.