
Down the Rabbit Hole



4 Years

06-17-2016, 08:08 PM

The scent of fresh air, or water and soil and rot, grew stronger. The air became drier and cooler, with the cave itself having mostly been a consistent air mass at least above freezing. The winter night had grown somewhat colder in their absence, it would seem. Solveiga agreed that she could indeed lend her some help, forcing Peregrine to let out a victorious laugh, nearly a cheer. "Hear that Tsiry? I just got myself a date!" She cackled again, but Tsiry sighed and flipped around to peer at the other girl in the slowly growing light. Her large eyes, pupils blown, could just make her out through the gloom. "Peregrine, you're going to frighten the poor thing. Don't worry darling, you deserve better." Peregrine chuckled her head, and bobbed her head in agreement. She changed the subject, pushing past the moment before it had the chance to grow too uncomfortable for the gentle thing.

She thought back to the many, many wolves. A thousand rogues and a paw's worth of empire's that stretched from sea to sea. She'd seen wolves of all colors, designs and patterns she wouldn't imagine ever displaying upon a canine's pelt. "Once I saw a wolf that looked like a tiger! Another had a pelt that looked like the night sky, another that looked like flames. More beautiful than you could imagine." She suspected then, and still wondered now, if they were not some manner of demigod or other magnificent creature. Surely nothing mortal, she had heard far too many myths and legends to even consider that they were born of natural means. Ahead of her light broke. She gasped and picked her pace up, breaking into a lope. they had made it! With a joyous howl she broke out into a moonlit cove, sandy and full of brittle, fragmented, ancient stones. She whirled around to see if Solveiga had made it too.

"Talk" "You" Think