
New Scenery



3 Years
06-18-2016, 12:24 AM


Her attention had been upon the lands- but once Riv's voice came out, her gaze flicked to him and stayed there. A pang of sorrow flashed through her at his words- the poor thing. She hadn't experienced loss, not besides her brother, but she could not imagine how it felt to of lost a parent. She nodded mutely, an understanding in her gaze- she would not push him on the subject, she had no right to.

Slowly, Lourdes lowered to her haunches as he spoke of his mate, the secondary Alphess. She smiled, watching him howl and call- and her gaze turned to and fro. She hoped more than just his mate would show, she wanted to become family with Myriad, but any start was better than nothing. They weren't alone for long, and soon enough another entered into the fray. He seemed polite, his head dipping in a mannered greeting. Lourdes let her gaze roam over him, observing his features. He looked remarkably similar to Riv, large and bulky- and even had the same eye marking. It caused her to assume they were related, and Lourdes easily smiled and dipped her head right back at him. "Greetings, I'm Lourdes- Riv-sama just accepted me as a Kariudo." Her tone was gentle and welcoming, doe-brown eyes casted on the male. Her paw nudged at the carcass, head nodding towards it. "Riv-sama and I recently succeeded in a hunt, please, eat as much as you desire." She urged, not wanting the food to go bad, seeing as it could be a great help in filling some of the pack's stomachs.