
Chasing Ghosts



6 Years
Extra large

06-18-2016, 02:42 PM

Tears of frustration and of relief stung Rhys' eyes as she rooted around in the leaf litter for her brother's scent. She didn't know if she wanted to be mad at him for running or simply glad that he was alive. But why? Why was he running from her? She was yelling at him at the top of her lungs; there was no way he simply didn't know she was there. It was possible that there were baddies lurking about and that somehow he was acting in her best interest, but that idea was so far fetched that she refused to believe it. Why then did he run, and where, if he'd just been here, was his scent?

So fixated on her search was she that when the stranger's bark reached her ears Rhys started visibly. Instantly she was aware of the moisture in her eyes. With a sniff and a few hard blinks Rhys cleared her pensive expression and then and only then did she turn to face the stranger. She felt kind of silly for wanting to cry and refused to let anyone see her misty eyes.

"Do you need some help looking for your companion?" he asked in a voice tinged with an unfamiliar accent. Feeling that her nose was on the verge of running (those damn tears!) Rhys sniffed softly as she took him in. The brute was big, but to her there was nothing noteworthy about big. Everyone in her family except her mother was big. To Rhys short people were the peculiar ones, particularly those she could step over without the tops of their heads being able to touch her belly. At first glance Rhys didn't find anything particularly troubling about the stranger. Perhaps she should have been alarmed by the idea of being alone with a large male wolf, but she wasn't. It was entirely possible that one day, possibly today, her overconfidence would get her into trouble. "It's my brother," she began. Rhys felt a need to explain why exactly she was running around and yelling like a mad woman. "He was right here, I saw him, but I can't find his trail."