
Change of Scenery

Bright Moon


6 Years
06-18-2016, 11:40 PM
Still shaken from the big festival, Bright wasn't sure if she had the energy to make it to this meeting. But she knew she must, and she would drag herself out from her den where she'd tucked herself away to recover. As she headed in the direction of Leo's howl, she realized the sound had come from territory she hadn't expected. She had been to the falls before, but she hadn't expected a meeting to ever be called there. As she trotted onward, it became apparent that the Sunset Falls had been marked recently. Leo must have claimed a new territory. It was an interesting change, and she wondered what else he would have to announce at this meeting.

As she approached the group, she saw all of the familiar faces, but she wasn't sure who she would go to. A light smile touched her lips as she saw Amalia pestering Leo. Her eyes shifted and she noticed the pups. Or could she even call them such anymore? They were all growing so well, in fact Diana and Jayne were yearlings. It felt like time was flying, as though only yesterday they were tiny babies. Leo's brood was catching up quickly.

Spotting Quelt, she was surprised but delighted to see him here with Fiori. She had kept to herself a lot lately, and hadn't realized he had joined the pack. She would have gone to him, but she saw that Roza and Lionel had already greeted him - it seemed that he had attracted the pups like moths to a flame, and she didn't wish to intrude upon it. Instead, she would seat herself alone and watch with amusement as the young wolves surrounded Quelt and greeting him. She felt a smile pulling at the edges of her lips, while the tip of her tail swished against the cold ground, and she couldn't help but to feel secretly curious about how he would respond to their advances.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]