
Change of Scenery


06-19-2016, 11:00 AM
I have my mother's dreams,

I have father's eyes,

The call of his father reached Alfred in the middle of a cat nap. The youth was dreaming of traveling to distant lands covered by snow and ice, companions at his side as he traveled and learned of the world. While Alfred loved his family to death sometimes he wondered what all he could figure out about the world. His small adventure in trying to find his mother had opened up his eyes to the different lands of Boreas. But that said Alfred would always return back to Fiori. Perhaps someday he’d travel, but not yet. He wasn’t ready.

Blue eyes flickered open, a yawn escaping the youth as he tried to force himself up. He shook out his coat, still feeling a bit groggy. But there was no way he’d ignore a call from his dad! With one more good shake the boy set off.

There were already quite a few gathered in the area. His gaze swept over those he knew, including his siblings surrounding a stripy wolf. He grinned. Were they playing some sort of game? He wanted to meet and mingle with others too! Seeing a female sitting on her own of monochrome colors the male bounded towards her. Little did he know the female was Bright Moon... But it was never too late to learn, right? Though he did feel a bit of worry, anxiety creeping up on him as he settled beside her. She was still a stranger after all!

“H-Hello...” He tried to offer her a small smile, his blue eyes shining with curiosity. “I’m Alfie! Eerr... Alfred.” He felt a bit embarrassed that he used the nickname his family called him. Goodness he was no good at this at all!

"Talk," 'Think.'

You can't take that from me;

Just Go ahead And try!