



2 Years
06-20-2016, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2016, 08:57 PM by Ootat.)

So hey guys Welcome to Ootat's formal plot thread, you can find a link to this in my profile when it's finished!


OOTAT; female, rogue, unmated

She is a particularly shy she-wolf with a healthy (if not excessive) level of caution, making it sometimes difficult to get an actual read on her. She is not unkind and does enjoy company when it is wanted and willing, otherwise you will find it a challenge to keep her occupied. Violence does not get you anywhere. She doesn't tend to be really judgemental, just incredibly wary until she knows something about you.

For a more detailed examination please visit her profile above!

Hey guys and welcome! I'm so glad you could stop by, Ootat loves some good friends! And so do I *cough.* Anyhow, you can find an overview of her above, hope that helps some? Really I don't have a particular "plan" for her, I would like her to eventually join a pack but that is definitely some way off. I've tried to plot out some potential ideas and goals that I'll vomit up below, so if you're totally willing to help me reach some of those, or even blow some ideas my way! That would be great. Please don't be afraid to ask about her, at all. If you think she might be good for a plot? (pack-related or otherwise) let me know! I want to try and get her as involved as possible! So here are some ideas/goals:

i.} Meet at least three strangers. GOAL MET!
ii.} Attempt to hone some of her chosen skills.
iii.} Train with a chosen/random companion!
iv.} Meet ONE potential love interest!! *
v.} Run into some form of trouble.

There are {5} to get us started with. These can be interpreted in many ways so don't be shy!

* - I have a specific plan for Ootat related to love/mate interests, therefore if you happen to come upon one of those in her goals? Pay attention to the timeline and keep it tabbed! At least if you're interested. All of it will come to fruition but not for some time, and as soon as someone nabs it it's gone until the next one comes around!

I think that pretty well sums it up for now. I will be trying to get a thread log up to keep track of some of this for all of our benefits. Thanks for reading! Hope you can find something you like!