
Treat Other As You Wish To Be Treated (Claiming?)


06-15-2013, 07:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 04:27 PM by Yin.)

Their family had been destroyed, their home completely desecrated and still the twins had come out on top. They were strong; they were going to survive. The pair had trekked far from the lands of their birth in search of a new pack to become a part of. It wasn?t an easy thing, trying to find a new group of wolves to take in the two. Yin?s aggressive nature wasn?t often welcome for fear that she could turn on anyone in instant. Despite the truth held to those worries, no one was yet able to realize that with Yang at her side, Yin wasn?t a danger to anyone. He was the only one who could curb her violent tendencies, bring her back from the point of no return. They were polar opposites and yet the harmony between them was unmistakable. Where she was impulsive he was analytical. Her aggressive nature was balanced out by his calm disposition. She trusted no one but her brother while he always allowed others the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes they couldn?t stand each other but they would never trade each other for anyone in the world.

The days of their travels blurred into weeks and suddenly those weeks had morphed into months. Yin hadn?t noticed how much time had passed since they had left their homelands; it was all the same to her. Her frustration at not finding a pack that would take them was beginning to eat away at her almost to the point where she was done with searching for a pack. They didn?t need one. They?d been doing just fine on their own. But Yang was adamant that they shouldn?t give up and so Yin yielded, continuing to search for a new family with her brother. Their months long trek finally landed them in a new place, much bigger and extremely more populated than any other they had reached. They hadn?t even set paw in it and already her nostrils were clogged with the scents of the new place, so many wolves it was hard to distinguish who was who. What kind of wolves lived here? Were they too scared of Yin?s power? She could hardly care. Those who feared her were better off without her. They clearly didn?t understand what kind of ally they could have on their side. The ivory she-wolf and her obsidian twin brother approached what she assumed to be border of the lands. The soil their paws struck was dark, charred and the smell of blood permeated the air. Yin recognized the scent almost immediately. A battlefield. Their parents had taken them to one back in China as pups, to show them what kind of damage their kind could cause if they fell under the wrong paws. She would never forget it.

The place was barren, void of any sign of life. Old skulls and rotting carcasses dotted the landscape, offering up a clue as to what transpired across these bloodied lands. What kind of place was this? Did the wolves here live a life of war? Did the rest of the land look like this, soaked in blood with the decaying bodies of the unlucky to decorate it? Yin was uneasy, her nape bristling with agitation, talons kneading at the soil, her icy and sea green eyes surveying the landscape around them. At her side Yang was the perfect picture of calm, his body completely relaxed as he allowed his darkened skull to tilt towards the heavens, a smooth howl slipping his from ebon lips to reach out and hopefully find the ears of any nearby wolves. After a moment he dropped the call, his gaze settling on his sister. She leveled her dual-toned eyes on her brother, pressing her porcelain frame against his. He returned the gesture, pressing his nose into her shoulder. She took a breath, pressing her own nose into his shoulder before turning away, her gaze refocusing on the battlefield, waiting to see if anyone would decide to show up and perhaps enlighten them on where exactly they were.

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