
Change of Scenery



9 Years
Athena I
06-21-2016, 10:09 PM

He spotted Athena first, offering the larger silver woman a smile. He was just about to greet his sister-in-law when suddenly he felt something land on his tail and it nearly scared him out of his skin. He yelped, mostly from surprise rather than pain, and tried to jump up to get away, only to be jerked back down to the ground and held there by his own tail. As soon as he felt Amalia nip at the base of his tail and heard her growls and yips he realized just who it was. He looked over his shoulder at his sister sitting on his tail with a mouthful of herbs. He shot her a challenging glare with a smirk. "Oh, one spar and suddenly you think you can just sit on me whenever you want, huh?" he asked with a chuckle. If there wasn't other pack members walking up he would have tried to turn and nip at her ear, but there were wolves to greet and a meeting to hold. He chuckled at his ridiculous sister, giving Tib a grateful glance as he walked past and tried to shoo his sister off of him. He was honestly grateful for Amalia jolting him out of his funk for a moment, though he'd probably never tell her that out of fear that she'd make this sneaking up thing a habit. He stuck out his tongue at Amalia before giving her a playful grin and turning his gaze to see who all had arrived in the meantime.

He spotted Quelt off toward the edge of the group and had to chuckle when he saw two of his children pestering him. At least they were making him part of the group he supposed, whether he wanted to be or not. He began to look for his other two pups, spotting them sitting next to Bright Moon. He loved how friendly they all were and how willing they were to socialize with their pack mates. He waited for a few moments more and he smiled when his mother came to settle next to Amalia and Athena. It made him happy to see that she was being more present like she had insisted she would be. Ara came in last and he looked to her curiously. Novel's absence certainly hadn't gone unnoticed and he wondered how she had been. Maybe he should talk with her later and check. He certainly had plenty of experience with missing mates.

He recognized that there were still a few wolves missing, but all in all most of the pack was here. All of the wolves that he was used to seeing around with some frequency anyway. He waited for a few moments longer, but he didn't want to make everyone that had arrived on time wait for too much longer. He cleared his throat before he began speaking, speaking up so everyone could hear him. "Hello, everyone!" he called, offering everyone a smile. "Thank you so much for coming so quickly. I know this isn't our usual meeting place, but the reason for that is that I have decided to move our borders a bit. The hot springs will no longer be a part of our territory. I felt that this area would suit our needs better as a source of fresh water and hunting ground in these woods. Of course you're free to visit the hotsprings whenever you'd like, but keep in mind that it is no longer within our borders so you may see wolves outside of the pack there as well. I hope that you'll enjoy this new space and explore and make use of this new hunting grounds." He glanced toward Bright Moon at that, giving her a small smile as he wondered if their lead hunter might get together a pack hunt soon. "That being said, please be careful around the falls. I'd hate for anyone to go tumbling in." That was really directed to the many children they had in the pack right now, but it was a good note for anyone else as well.

"The second piece of news is that we have several young wolves that have moved up to the rank of students this season that are in need of mentors. Amalia, we have several aspiring healers in the bunch so I'd appreciate if you would hold a training for the students soon. I believe it will be good for all of our young wolves to attend whether they are wanting to be healers or not. My children will be old enough for mentors as well this spring so I will be pairing everyone up with mentors soon enough. I also encourage all of our students to seek out Amalia, Athena, or Bright Moon for healing, fighting, or hunting knowledge as well even outside of formal training sessions.  I ask that everyone participate in sharing their knowledge as much as they can with each other. On that same note, when we have training sessions for the pack, no matter the subject, I ask that you give it a good try and go into them with a willing mind. We do not do these trainings as a punishment or a torture. We do them to prepare you for the worst and make sure that if anything were to happen you would be able to protect or care for yourself." He of course was referring to the begrudging attitude most of the pack had come to their last fighting lesson with. He understood that most of their pack happened to be healers, but that was not an excuse.

"That is my two biggest orders of business this time around. Fiori still has plenty of room to grow so if you meet anyone that you think would be a good addition to our pack feel free to invite them to come to the border. I love all of our healers, but we certainly need more hunters and fighters as well. I would really enjoy getting to talk with each of you more so don't be surprised if I start randomly walking up to you just to say hello. I've always wanted Fiori to be a safe place and a family for all of you. If anyone has anything to ask or talk to me about feel free. If not then you're free to go on with your day. Take care of yourselves and eachother."

"Talk" "You" Think