
Sunshine Moments



7 Years

06-21-2016, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2016, 07:47 PM by Lillianna.)

Lillianna never really had a problem with sharing her feelings, her thoughts. Well... she did, actually, but only to the point that she was picky whom she shared with. She was both a listener and a talker; she believed that it worked both ways in order for you do be a good friend. If all you did was listen, then the other wolf would feel as if they were a burden. If you only talked, then the other wolf would think you were inconsiderate, and didn't really care. Thus, both talk, and listen. That... was what, in a way, Lark and her were doing that instant, except they were rapidly switching - every exchange, one talking and one listening, then the other way around. It was gratifying, and quite the comfortable feeling.

...Even if the subject was something dark and not one Lillie enjoyed at all. it was the truth, though, and had to be discussed. "I'm sorry," she apologized quietly as he flinched away from her, and she withdrew from him, green eyes studying the ground. She did wince at Lark's words, though in her eyes reflected the misery and agreement that she felt. She hated his words, but she agreed with them so much. She sighed, nodding briefly. Every word he spoke was nothing about the truth, and she hated that it was the truth. "Yeah... it just... it just hurts and I hate it so much. Either come home and stay home... or... just don't come back." How she longed for Starling to return, to stay home, and to get his head out of the clouds or the ground or whatever it was in and realize he was not a disappointment. She missed her sweet, caring and naive friend. She also wanted Wren to come back, if only to mend the bonds within the Destruction family, but she was afraid that both Wren and Starling burned the bridges of trust too far to return. Well... Starling didn't burn it completely with her, if she didn't do it with him.

"I-I'm scared that I played a part in Starling's thoughts," she confessed, her head hanging in shame, ears pulled back. All remaining traces of a good mood had vanished, in that instant. "I... we had arguments. And one of the first times he left, I was so hurt and upset and angry that when I saw him I bit him and scolded him and called him and idiot because I wasn't thinking and then I tried explaining that I wasn't disappointed I was hurt and then I just... I just..." she whined softly. "I regret it so much. No matter how angry I was, I shouldn't have hurt him. He was - is - one of my closest friends and I cared for him much like I imagine I'd care for a brother. It won't ever happen again but I'm afraid I ruined everything." A sudden fear struck her eyes - what if Lark knew, and would be angry enugh that she just ruined this, whatever it was. She jerked her head up, green eyes shimmering with that uncovered fear. "And now I'm afraid I ruined this too..." she mumbled, not even realizing that the words she believed she had thought were also mumbled aloud, and perfectly clear for Lark to hear as well. Oh, crap, how stupid was she?

"Talk" "You" Think
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.