
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-15-2013, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2013, 07:24 PM by Eria.)
Eria's head and ears had drooped when the disappointment washed over her mind. She had been looking forward to drinking cold water - from anywhere - since she and Pontifex had safely made their escape from the storm. Now, as she thought about the potential weather outside of the mountain, she strained to see if she could hear it. Silence. That was all there was, and she didn't mind it at all.
The frozen surface, which seemed to be taunting her with the moving water beneath it, irked Eria's nerves. She was tempted to jump across the pond and jump until there were cracks. As she was mentally splashing through the frozen layer, Pontifex's voice spoke up. Her ears perked and she slowly raised her head. Light ocean blue eyes met with his yellow orbs and his offer registered in her mind. "You would-you would do that for me?" Eria blinked twice and her disappointment evaporated. She began to see the ice being broken and the cold water beneath, exposed to the world and to their noses.
Her stance changed from being sad to a bit excited from the thoughts of enjoying something to drink. Eria eagerly nodded as a follow-up for her question answering his own and said, "Yes, Pontifex. That would be wonderful." Looking at the smooth, icy surface of the pond, she playfully cackled and said, "Look out. You won't even know what hit you. Muahaha." She knew she probably sounded silly, but the playful smile that appeared on her face made it more adorable. Eria backed up a few paces, allowing room for Pontifex and the ice that would probably rise and fall in the air.