
Wildest dreams



9 Years
Athena I
06-23-2016, 12:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2016, 12:31 PM by Leo.)

"Mi... nombre... es Leo." he repeated carefully, the words coming out slowly and hesitantly. They didn't roll off the tongue like they seemed to do when she spoke them, but he still gave her a proud grin when he pronounced them without stuttering. Español. Was that the name of the language she spoke? He had to assume so. His tail wagged behind him as she slowly introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Carletta," he added with a small bow of his head. There was undeniably a language barrier, but he was patient and he prided himself on being a quick learner. Maybe if she did end up coming to Fiori he could learn more Español from her and he could help her with her English.

His ears perked as she spoke again and brought his attention back to her and the present. He offered her another friendly smile and nodded in agreement. "Of course. Lead the way," he replied with a little motion of his head toward the direction she had been coming from when they first bumped into each other. He had to wonder if her whole family so heavily spoke Español like Carletta. He assumed they did. It also hadn't gotten past his attention that she had only listed her sister and two children as her family. Did that mean there was no mate in the picture? What about the children's father? There were so many questions he had about this whole situation, but first he needed to get them to Fiori or at least make sure they were safe. He barely knew this family, but his conscious and his protective nature wouldn't let them just stay out here on their own. He followed along beside Carletta for a short while till a den and another spotted woman came into view, this one colored with a base of tan and white. If it wasn't for the tan coloring Carletta's sister would have been a twin. He dipped his head in greeting to the other woman as they approached her, glancing toward Carletta when he slowed to a stop. He figured it would probably be for the best if Carletta handled most of the talking if they both struggled with English so he stayed quiet for now, simply giving her sister a friendly smile.

"Talk" "You" Think