
Bravo, I say!



6 Years

06-23-2016, 03:49 PM

Her head cocked to the side and ears perked forward as he spoke, assuring her the fish were quite easy to catch if one had any skill at all. "Can't wait to try my luck," she murmured, looking to the water. She licked her lips, knowing she'd have no trouble snagging a meal. She was tempted to give it a shot immediately, but she was also curious about the stranger, so she focused on him for the moment instead. His answer to her question was short, but it wasn't like she'd expected a full explanation, anyways. It was up to him if he wanted to share anything, after all, what he did with his time was really none of her business. Of course she would wonder what in particular he'd come to think about, but she knew it would be a little too nosy to ask, if he hadn't offered that information in the first place.

She watched as the colossal stranger stretched and pushed himself up into a sitting position. Esa had to tilt her head back to look up at him, and blinked in surprise a few times. It was difficult to determine someone's full height when they were lying flat on their belly - now that he'd sat up, he towered above her, and the very length of his legs was evident. If she'd never known Mithras, that starry-pelted giant, she would have been truly astonished at this man's height. As he spoke again, her thoughts were drawn away from his sheer size, and she was given a little insight as to what he'd come to ponder about by the water's side. She wondered if he himself had been affected by the plague, or if it was someone he knew. She wouldn't say anything, but wondered if someone close to him had perished - she had seen many wolves in the past season afflicted by the disease and she counted herself lucky not to have contracted anything.

He seemed to shrug it all off, and changed the subject by offering his name. "Good to meet you Angelus," she said, her tail scuffing the ground in a wag, "I'm Esarosa." It was good to get introductions out of the way. Eyeing him for moment, he didn't appear to be starving, but she wondered if he could use a bite to eat, if he'd been affected by the plague. "Are you hungry?" she asked, tilting her head, "I kinda wanted to test the waters, I don't mind sharing if I catch something."

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]