



6 Years
06-23-2016, 05:06 PM
Perhaps it was sheer luck, the female was already moving, simultaneously closer and higher up on the bank to Gwen. She had to help him, she had to - Karabela's cry alerted her to the oncoming gush. She leaped even higher onto the bank, so only her back end was slammed with the water; desperately, her jaws clamped onto the first thing they could grab - the narrow trunk of a sapling tree. The wood splintered beneath the force of her bite, and the water pummeled her. Water splashed into her nose, her eyes, and the wolf spluttered for breath. Her body bashed into the ground, and she could already feel the bruises forming on her ribs, her hips, her chest; everywhere, really.

Finally, though, the torrent of water rushed past, leaving a somewhat strong current, but one light enough she to stand and walk - besides, it was only to her knees. Gingerly, she gathered her paws beneath her and let go of the stick. Splintered pieces of wood were still in her mouth, and she pushed them out with her tongue, and dunked her muzle in the water briefly, jaws open, to try and get rid of the wood. It took a minute, but her mouth was finally clean. Then she looked down the bank - she saw no one. Taking a deep breath, she climbed higher onto the bank, where the water was much more shallow - only up to her ankle. It was then she started loping towards the water - where were they? Eyes darted around as she darted around obstacles. Where the hell were they?

Panicked, she pushed herself even more, her speed picking up. A wolf could travel upwards 40 miles per hour while running in short bursts, and Irie was most certainly up there. Eyes scanned the banks, and the water - it was then she noticed a figure flailing in the water. No... wait, that wasn't someone flailing; that was a wolf being bacshed by a strong current that still lingered. Irie skidded to a stop by the bank, glancing down at the battered figure of Gwen. "Let go!" she shouted over the roar of the water. "It's only rough there, let the river take you down the stream a bit!" The bank was lower just a few feet away, too.

Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!