
{AW} There's no more waiting



3 Years
Extra large
06-26-2016, 03:06 AM
ooc: so sorry for the wait!

As she frolicked towards him, a lazy sort of gallop, a strange furry creature came out of nowhere, stepping in front of the grey male. What was that? Was it a wolf? No, it couldn't be. It was about half her height, of a thin stature with an auburn pelt. Unlike the male, it knew she was thundering at them, staring dead-straight in her eyes with hackles slightly raised. Uh oh, she should've known this healer would have come with a bodyguard. Caught in her surprise, she tried to slow her paws down to avoid clashing with the animal, though instead trod on the man's gathered plants, ever so gracefully. Whoops. The male finally realised her, and in his shock, practically jumped aside. Teal eyes snapped open and ashen fur stood on end. Way to go, Zeph. Way to meet someone as an alphess.

She blubbered out her apologies, and he too would apologise for staring. He spoke an unfamiliar word, while an accent laced his English words. She was used to the staring. Some wolves found unnatural colours normal, and others didn't. It just depended on their upbringing. At one point in her childhood, she had thought wolves of a plainer pelt colour were quite the oddity. "Oh, it's alright. You don't need to apologise for that," she assured him with a laugh. Then the creature spoke, making the queen raise a brow in curiosity. It seemed the smaller canine did most of the talking, explaining that they weren't from these lands. Were they friends? Travellers? Travelling friends? "Well, I'm not the only one - I know that," she added with a smile. When she asked what they were doing, the man quite briskly replied with 'gardening'. Well, she knew that, but why? The creature went on to elaborate, addressing him as 'brother', explaining that everyone gardened from the land they came from, and they were looking to do the same here. Hmm. They seemed determined to claim these plains, though could she interest them with Myriad? The pack needed more healers. "I'm Zephyra Agatsuma, queen of Myriad. But please call me Zeph," she introduced with a dip of her head. "A pleasure to meet you, Cedar and Ollie."