
Sunshine Moments



7 Years
Extra large

06-26-2016, 06:28 PM
It was surprising that Lillie had thought to tell him this at all, since it seemed to have been awhile since it had happened. His gaze was unblinking as he watched her, as she practically cowered before him - even if not fully, the pain was visible in her averted gaze, and her rapidly stiffening posture. He couldn't help but wonder to himself if this was going to become more typical of her as time went on.. striking out in anger. Surely Bass wouldn't be too impressed by that sort of behavior.

His own expression had briefly contorted in anger, his lips twitching in a silent snarl before he shifted away from her and looked away.   "It was immature and selfish," Lark would agree, a bit too sharply, but a soft sigh indicated that he was not as mad as he could easily be. His brows furrowed tightly together as he thought over it all. When had she done this, he wondered? Had Starling's strange behavior been partially caused by what Lillie had done to him? He thought back on the day that he'd called Starling's behavior out, but now he had to wonder if part of it had been Lillie's fault.

In a strange way, though, he could imagine getting that frustrated too. Not at Starling - but at Lillie. Maybe it would feel good to lash out at her, right now. From the corner of his eye he glanced over at her, thinking of the consequences. She wouldn't go and tell Bass, he knew that, for he could simply tell on her for hurting Startling. But.. doing that wouldn't make him any better than Lillie. Another sigh, this time a rather forlorn one, fell from his lips slowly.   "What now?" he'd ask quietly as he tilted his head fully, to eye her, his voice void of most of the ferocity that it had held a moment ago.   "What do you expect me to do now that you've told me this?"