
Back into the Swing of things.



4 Years
06-27-2016, 10:16 AM
A delicious sound flowed into the ears of the warrioress. Her ears flicked up, devouring the sweet tones of temptation. Someone wanted a fight, a little spar. Could the serpent truly pass up something of this stature. Ummm.. no. The resting Wolf stood rather quickly. Her paws fell to the ground like roaring war drums. She followed the source of the song, at a great pace. Not enough to over exert herself before a spar. She had not fought in a good minute, but she did have experience. Her and her sister, Canttina, loved taking down their enemies by force. Ily was use to fighting dirty, perhaps she would need to tone it down a bit. She did not want to accidentally maim within a tiny spar. Unless it progressed into something more. Which she doubted it would.

Eventually, the behemoth of a woman came slithering into the battlefield. Her beaming, yellow, eyes fell upon her opponent. Or at least she assumed this was him. Her head was raised high, asserting her confidence. Yet, her tail was low and still to add to her graceful steps. As she moved to stand about ten tail lengths away from the man her rather large front half dipped down in an elegant bow. She knew how to move for a big girl. Her paw raised a little, indicating respect before stomping it on the ground and raising her head. Those inky, salivating jowls opened to let forth her own ghastly tones. "You wish for a spar." Her lips slipped into a crooked grin, her excitement was pouring from her very being. "I will take you up on that offer." Her eyes flicked around the man's form. He was a good five inches taller then her, which would give him a slight advantage. But, she could overcome such a matter. Her yellow gaze then moved to his scars, remembrance of is previous battles perhaps. Trophies and mistakes all in on. The woman then nodded her head, "I will allow you to make the first move."