
Exploring the Colors


06-15-2013, 08:58 PM

The day hadn't even started with Aeil woke from her slumber. Eyes blinked sleepily and she slowly raised her head, releasing a yawn in the process. She stretched her front limbs before pushing herself up to stand. As she stretched her hind legs and tail, she looked in front of and around her. Aeil's surroundings were completely doused in darkness, although it was evident that the night sky was becoming a bit lighter. The dark fae shook all over and got rid of the last lingering affects of sleep.
Aeil's mind was on catching what she wanted to see the past couple of days: the sun rise. She hadn't witnessed such a sight since she was young and the thought of seeing it made her feel giddy. Hunger and thirst were pushed out of her mind. The dark fae was on a mission and she wanted to complete it before it was too late. Although the darkness was around her, she knew the path through the exotic trees and flowers to reach her perch. Before she knew it, the forest had seemingly swallowed her up as she continued to trek through the underbrush. Silently, in the back of her mind, she wondered if there was anyone else around her neck of the woods.
