
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 08:48 AM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2016, 08:51 AM by Ricochet.)
no one can be just like me
Oh, this was going to be interesting. It was clear already that this woman was just as much of a sarcastic prick as Ricochet was. And that was saying something. She barked out a laugh at the sickly sweet response she was given. "Right, right," she said, playing along as she came to where the head of the trapped woman could be most easily seen. "In that case," she said in the same innocent tone, plopping down onto her haunches to show the woman she wasn't about to help any time soon. She grinned down at her.

She watched with a poorly concealed snicker as the poor woman tried to wiggle free again, to no avail of course. Still the larger woman made no move to help. Why would she, when this was so entertaining? Then she heard the woman say that she would make it worth her while if she helped her out. “Hmm,” Ricochet hummed, eyes still unabashedly combing over the woman before her. She really was quite easy on the eyes, she had to admit. "And what exactly do you have to offer a woman, sweetheart?"" she whispered as she leaned in, that wicked grin still planted on her face. It wasn’t going away any time soon, after all, not while this little lady was still trapped in the rotting wood. Ricochet began to decide that she would, in fact, help the woman. Probably. But what fun was there in doing it right away? Let her squirm a little longer. It was so damn fun to watch.