
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 09:50 AM
no one can be just like me
The woman relaxed further into her awkward position when she saw that Ricochet was making no move to rescue her yet. She narrowed her mismatched eyes a bit as she tried to decipher the look on her face as she reacted to the brutish woman and her flirting. She didn't seem all that put off. Was she... up for it? Seriously? That was fan-fucking-tastic. Ricochet flipped her tail behind her a bit, the teasing and slightly flirtatious grin still firmly in place. This woman before her was something new, something she wasn't used to. Something exciting.

Her name is what she was offering. Well, since the squirming was done, the dark woman really had no reason to decline anyway. Might as well get the female out of her rather sticky situation. She shrugged a bit and gave the chocolatey woman a nod, "I could go for that," she said, fighting back a wink. Now that would be going overboard. You could only throw so much gay at a woman at one time. She came closer and pawed at the log that was trapping her forelegs. If those were free, the woman would probably be able to get free. However, her pawing made the soft wood shift, pinching its victim a teensy bit tighter. Ricochet sucked in air dramatically through her teeth. "Whoops, my bad," pretending to grimace to hide the smirk that actually wanted to break through. Hey, she didn't do it on purpose. But that didn't mean she was really sorry about it.

She thought for a moment and then got down on her belly and wiggled herself beneath the log, which was a struggle considering her massive frame. But soon she had a shoulder wedged beneath the offending piece of wood, and she pushed herself upward again, lifting the wood fairly easily in order to free the woman trapped underneath. "Go ahead," she said with a slight grunt in her voice.