
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 12:08 PM

It really didn't take much effort on the part of the gargantuan female to lift the log and set her poor little prisoner free. She felt the weight of the wood, sure, but it wasn't anything her formidable frame couldn't handle. In fact, Ricochet smirked a bit with pride as she just as easily laid the log back on the ground, shaking herself out a bit to get rid of the little bits and chips of rotting wood that had been loosened onto her ebony fur. Then she looked up again, catching the woman mid stretch. She simply raised a brow and watched, and then soon enough she had seemed to work the soreness out and she turned to address her rescuer. "Your reward, as promised. I'm Peregrine Myre, it's very nice to meet you," Ricochet chuckled deeply. Such a poised and lovely greeting from the girl whose first language seemed to be sarcasm.

"Peregrine, huh? Like the bird?" she flicked an ear as she spoke, and then nodded. It was a pretty cool name, really. "Well, I suppose I could follow social convention and tell you my name, but I think we've set up a convention of our own here," she smirked a bit and looked at the woman named Peregrine. An interesting person to know, indeed. She hoped she would get to know her. That in itself seemed like it would be an adventure. "Names are rewards, so how about this: I'll give you my name if you show me the way out of this damned place. And if you're good, maybe I'll give you more than my name." The grin appeared again, spreading slowly as she swayed her tail confidently behind her. Man, this was fun. "You and me, we got a deal?" the dark woman asked, her dissimilar eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Talk" "You" Think