
Taking Off



9 Years
06-29-2016, 01:55 PM
ooc note. i am super rusty, contact me through PM for questions! :)

A battle cry filled her ears with ease. A rush of eager excitement filled her bodice to the core. The woman moved from her resting place, shaking the snow from her winter coat to fall to the ground. Schon rolled her shoulders and set off to find the creation that dared step into the ring with the cannibal queen. Slowly she made her way to the battlefield, following the source of the call with a large grin. It was quite crooked, but the woman was remaining confident in the abilities she once honed. The girl knew her mother still flowed through her, Svanerna was a talented fighter and Schon wished to let that shine through herself. Eventually, the pristine femme allowed herself to grace this inferior behemoth with her presence. A bleeding gaze fell upon the greyscale woman, Schon eyeing her up for a few moments. It was obvious this creature was much larger then the tan colored woman. Which clearly, it will be difficult for the Finnvi to dominate. Yet, due to Schon's light weight and lanky form she could allow herself to be quite agile and quickly. Perhaps to run circles around this beast.

"A spar."

Soon enough, the creature allowed her head to slowly dip down in an honor filled bow. The Germanic woman was that of respect when it was needed, yet such and ugly thing does not deserve too much attention. Unless she somehow defeats Schon in the fight to be had. Speaking of which, after the bow, the creme colored wasted no time to sort out her defenses, in case the woman before her decided to attack first. Schon began by allowing her legs to square out, dividing her weight between her four paws for a decent amount of balance. Her pads spread out, flexing the pads enough to allow them to massage the ground for even steps. Claws came forth to grip the ground as well, to sturdy herself even more. Her legs also bent at the knee, allowing herself to get closer to the ground, for quick and precise movements. The Queen's tail flicked out, allowing it to align with her spine for another added bonus to her balance when moving quickly. She has to protect that pretty little face, therefore the girl let her lips roll back, waves of extra skin bunching up at her cheeks to protect the delicate flesh of her face. Her crimson gaze was squinted, to make her eyes less of a target to flying claws and paws. Those tri-colored ears moved to pin back to her skull, denying them as a target as well and to allow herself to maintain a more aerodynamic posture. The faithful girl's head tilted down and tucked in, craning to protect her throat with her snarling muzzle from any sort of fatal blows to that sensitive flesh of her neck. With the craning of her neck and the squaring of her stance, her hackles raised enough to allow the extra skin on the back of her shoulders to bunch up. Once again protecting the flesh below.

The demon was ready for her assault. They were about 10 tail lengths away, which was a decent distance. They were face to face at that point, which was an easy starting point. Schon began by charging straight forward towards her opponent in a serious sprint. With the space between them, Birna had a tiny bit of space to move, of course. Though, if she was able to get close enough, Schon would attempt to use her momentum to throw herself at the taller Wolf by raising her front half up in attempt to to wrap her two front, lanky, legs around her opponents neck. Her two front paws would move to try and land at Birna's upper shoulders around the thick hackles of the taller girl, her claws would try to grip some fur as her pads flexed. If she was successful in raising herself up, her back two legs would move to bend at the knee enough to be locked in and her paws would move to dig into the dirt that was hidden below to the snow for added balance while up on two legs. With the closeness of their front halves, if Schon was truly able to get that close in such a manner, the German girl would be compelled to go for a blow with her jaws. If Schon was indeed raised up as she attempted to do so, her head would try and move to the left, which would be Birna's right. If the smaller movement was successful, Schon would move in and attempt to snap her jaws behind Birna's right ear. Her top jaw would attempt to connect right behind the middle of the grey ear. Her bottom jaw would come forth to try and allow her fangs to scrape against the right side of her opponents head to eventually meet up with the top jaw and pinch that skin behind the ear in a delicious bite in attempt to finally spill some blood. If purchased, the scraping of her bottom fangs would induce a painful scratch and the bite would be enough to inflict pain but minimal enough to be shaken with ease.

Schon vs Birna

for Spar

one. two. three.

"Talk" You Think