
First Impressions



9 Years
06-29-2016, 04:05 PM

Schon was not necessarily a being to be messed with. That may be a very... bold statement, but it has truth. The woman is blinded by her odd sense of religion that was completely twisted from old Norse Mythology. The basis of her religion derives from that, yet there is a much more spiritual sense that she has thrown into the mix. With the help of her father. The Norse side of things comes from her mother and the cannibalistic side derives from her demented father. Schon believes in fighting to the death, that death is not the end for a warrior of course. Yet, within the same, if she slays another or defeats them within a battle. She is to consume a part of their being for their strength to run through her. This leaves her at a very dangerous mindset, a very hungry mindset for power of all sorts. Therefore when her eyes meet a being of beauty of power, like the obsidian creature before her, her jowls begin to salivate for a piece of their being. To enhance herself. The woman's mind is a very fatal place for another to encounter or venture. But, she sees all she does as simply normal and a practice of religion rather then simple cannibalism.

As the coal colored woman moved to eye Schon, her majesty remained still. Her gaze reeked of a lazy sense of confidence. As if she was trying to seem like she had nothing to prove. Yet, in reality she really did. Her inky lips salivated a tiny bit, as she eyed the girl before her. A beautiful creature with two different colored eyes, something rare. Something, pleasing to the eye. Yet, the sassy girls words were an instant turn off. What was meant to be witty came across as boring. Schon merely allowed her head to tilt to the side, slightly dumbfounded by the lack of depth the delicious creature before her gave off. As a question came forth, the Queen finally allowed herself to show some sort of emotion. A tiny.. twisted smile spread across those inky lips to show.. a mocking of amusement? "This creature was prey to the tar, a horribly disappointing fate for life that could of been use for something much more." Schon stared down the woman, "I do not laugh at such." The eloquent fae moved slowly to the corpse, placing an alabaster paw on the skull and pushing it deeper into the tar, allowing for its entirety to silently fade into nothingness. The only trace being tiny bubbles at the surface of the asfault.

Her bleeding gaze moved back to the grey scale femme at her left, observing her for a few moments. The Finnvi could note her discomfort with both the Queen being to close and the noxious air around them. The lanky woman allowed her tail to flick for a moment before her long body swiveled to surpass the inferior beauty. Without looking back she allowed her ears to flick back and her venom injected vocals swept into the air once again, replacing disappointment with a hint of excitement. "The scent of death is gifting me with a head ache." Her hips flicked as she stalked towards the rim of the pits, eyes set upon the edge of the Dancefloor before them, a perfect escape from the tar. "Come, Little Dove." Schon's head flicked to the side, just enough to flash the woman at her rear a simple smile. Her attention soon slipped to the terrain her paws met, her mouth hanging open to inhale the refreshing air that only had tinges of gas and fear. Soon, she found a little bed of weeds above dry dirt. The serpent stopped, turning to face the brutish girl that she hoped to be following her. If she did indeed follow, more of the woman's illustrious tones came forth to form a question. "Does this one have a name?" Her head craned, sharpening her gaze enough to expose curiosity.
