
Kea's Plotter~

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2016, 09:48 PM by Lykos I.)
Kea's Plotter

Alright, thank you Tea for letting me steal this <3 Alright, until I get this 100% filled out, feel free to ask about plots! Just be warned: I don't like definitive 'this is what is going to happen' type plots. I prefer tossing the characters together and seeing where it takes us. However if you have a plan in mind you want to try, I have no problem nudging my character a teensy bit to see if they'll actually go that way. No guarantees, though.

| Female | 4yrs | Loner | Chaotic Neutral |
- domestic feline
- 9" tall
- black fur
- hetero-chromatic: right eye is red-orange, left eye is blue-green
- mischievous
- playful
- teasing
- curious
- obsessed with bells
Looking for: friends, acquiaintences, mischief-makers, prank buddies.
Not looking for: lovers.

Cirrus Vesper Elementas
| Female | 1yr | Yfir | True Neutral |
- 27" tall
- gray fur
- dark grey on legs mixed with paler gray
- light gray on face, back, paws, tail and ear tips
- unnatural light blue around eyes, edging the silver on the tail, on her chest, and in a stripe on her side
- floppy left ear
- blind in right eye
- silvery-purple right eye, teal left eye.
- sad
- cynical
- determined
- kinda needs development
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: lovers, love interests

Irie Diamáchi
| Female | 6yrs | Loner | Chaotic Good |
- 33"
- brown fur
- darker brown on points (paws, tail and face)
- pale cream on ears, marking under eyes, and back two paws
- blue eyes
- kind
- motherly
- sweet
- intellectual
- LOVES stories, both hearing them and telling them
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: love interests (she might have one already -cough-), pack

Lillianna Veda
| Female | 3yrs | Abaven | Chaotic Good |
- 30"
- red fur
- dark red on legs
- black muzzle and ears
- weird oval shaped white mark thing right above muzzle on forehead
- scars on right side of face
- green eyes
- holy emotional
- easily angered
- curious minded
- awkward as hell
- kind
- caring for her friends
Looking for: friends, acquaintances, allies, adventure
Not looking for: pack, lovers, love interests (she has one yo)

Lykos Ancora
| Male | 1yr | Ivalice | Lawful Neutral |
- 42"
- grey fur
- black on muzzle, head, top of neck, back like a saddle, and fully down front legs, and top of tail
- black stockings on hind legs
- grey tipped ears
- blue eyes
- stern
- bit of a hard ass
- protective
- loyal
- strict
- rule follower
- honorable
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: lovers, love interests

Ren Agatsuma
| Male | 2yrs | Myriad | idefk at this point |
- 36"
- blue
- cream beneath eyes and on toes
- I could have done so much more with a full abnormal color pass ugh
- cyan eyes
- angry
- angry
- sad
- angry
- bitter
- angry
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: --

Starling Destruction
| Sex | Age | Pack | Alignment |
- 36"
- brown fur
- white cloaks his back, ears, muzzle, under eyes, legs, and top of tail
- lanky, thin
- has a satchel across his back which has flowers on it
- calm
- dislikes violence
- emotional turmoil right now
- healer
- passionate about his studies
- speaks italian
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: pack, lovers, enemies.

Váli Lasair
| Female | 4yrs | Abaven | Neutral Good |
- 33"
- white fur
- black tips and rims of ears, black eye markings, black tail tip, black hind paw
- slim and fluffy
- nonchalantly complimentary
- kind
- sweet
- another healer
- loyal and caring
- super duper friendly
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: --

Vittore Scarlatti
| Male | 3yrs | Loner | Lawful Evil |
- 36"
- red fur
- fur fades to dark red on legs, tail, ears, and neck.
- has a saddle that's a mixture of light and dark reds, with the dark reds being closer to his spine and the light reds on the outside.
- light red strip on nose, curvy eye marking thing, and brow dots.
- conflicted
- gentlemanly/ courteous
- he's a hire-able killer
- doesn't speak common (english) very well
- speaks italian
- mafioso. firm believer in the omerta
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: pack

Deimos Saxe
| Male | 1yr | Loner | True Neutral |
- ##"
- dark grey fur
- black spread out in his fur along his back, sides.
- black on his ears, top of tail, three paws, top of eyes, one knee, on muzzle around the light marking
- light grey on belly, one paw, under eyes, on muzzle
- purple eyes
- cold
- stern
- curt
- not very friendly
- protective of family
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: lovers, love interests