
Xanilov Adoption



5 Years
06-29-2016, 07:53 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2016, 07:02 PM by Jackson.)
Character Name: Zarek Pyotr Xanilov
Design: 8
Gender: Male
Age: Pup

Personality: Lawful Evil
To start, most know that he is an observant creature. He has an odd habit of watching whatever is around him. He will take the time to take in his surroundings and tries to remember everything he can. If he could he would burn everything he sees within his mind. Within both lives he is vary in tune with his senses and what is called an Eidetic memory. He remembers specific images, sounds, or objects even if he has only been exposed a time or two. It makes him somewhat unique and a great person to travel with. He also likes to watch others, from a distance. He likes to observe any type of creature and he doesn't make himself known. It can be unnerving to most, but he won't change. He likes to take everything in and look for small things that could help him no more about the creature.

He is also a mostly independent wolf despite his deep loyalty to his family. Zarek knows how to live alone and in all honestly he prefers it. He is able to find himself food, shelter, and water. He also doesn't need or thrive on the company of others. He can survive and keep occupied without the need of others. He can even push others away from him and will seclude himself He prefers to work alone, but if his family is present he will not hesitate to spend time with them. Family takes the highest importance in his life and he will drop everything to do something for a member of his family or to spend time with him. He finds it oddly comfortable despite his lack of need in company of others.

Some also call him a predatory creature and a survivalist. He has a rather high prey drive that can even be seen towards other wolves. He will stalk, he will creep, and with his blood lust he will hunt down other wolves. He gets a thrill out of a good chase and he'll get a thrill out of tracking down an injured animal. He craves it even and seems to desire it. He can also be like that with fights, his blood lust seems to wire his brain this way. He craves the shed of blood and will lap up pools of blood from the ground. He savors the taste of blood, more then the taste of another flesh. He is also more stuck in some ways that are instinct, pure instinct. He has the mindset to survive and will do what he can to insure his survival. This doesn't mean he cannot include others in this trait. Cannibal may be a possibility for him later on down the road.

Zarek is also vary headstrong and it won't take you long to notice it. He does things his way, or no way at all. The only exception would be when he is with his family members. He is stuck in his ways and it is vary difficult to sway him out of it. If you try you will find that he is also a fighter and a strong one at that. He won't give up easy and will use every ability he can to beat you. Even if it is a dirty move he will make it if it ensures his survival. He is also calculating and can be considered rather intelligent. He tries to plot out his moves accordingly to ensure he survives.

Plans: He will find his way to Yfir to be with his Uncle and hopefully his siblings. I'm not sure he will stay because he will be rather independent in personality, but if he mesh's well then I can see him staying with Yfir unless of course one of his siblings plans to start their own pack in the name of their family. He will work on his skills and become a fighting and surviving machine.
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