
Together We Stand {Bass Family}

Sparrow I


7 Years
06-29-2016, 08:13 PM
Sparrow sat nervously, but her father's gaze reassured her. He would not bring up Lillianna today. As he began to speak, it clicked into place; he was here to confirm their family was falling apart. Sparrow laughed a little under her breath, shaking her head. She felt like she had known this. She agreed that their mother shouldn't be allowed back. She made her choice clearly. She was nothing but a drag from this point on.

Then he mentioned Starling. So he had altercations with other members too? So he had single-handedly isolated himself from his entire family. It figured. Before she realized it, her feelings about Starling emerged in her mind; she didn't feel bad he was gone. Sparrow's stomach dropped at the realization. What had happened to pull her away from her family?

Did she feel like this about the rest of her siblings? Sure she wasn't close to any of them, but she would feel bad if they were gone, right? She was so worried over Finch. She and Finch had gotten to really talk for the first time when she was recovering. If Finch hadn't gotten sick... would they have grown apart too? What about Lark? Sparrow wasn't sure. Pipit? Where was he even? What about her younger siblings? How did she feel about them?

Sparrow felt conflicted. She thought her family had been close at one point, but she wasn't even sure if they felt like family anymore. Where could she go? Who could she talk to? "Okay, I understand," she nearly choked, "Is there anything more?" She was getting antsy to leave. Maybe separation would make her see how much her family really meant to her.