
take my picture now


06-29-2016, 08:47 PM

{{Ooc:: I am so sorry for the wait. Didn’t realize Sunniva’s threads had gotten these old.}}

Sunniva did not notice any sort of friendliness coming from the creature, save the kindness to introduce herself. There was no smile, though perhaps this was just the other woman’s nature? Sunniva found her demeanor warmer than that of the black and silver ticked woman at least. The fact the other woman was taller than she was something to be marveled as well. It was a feat that Sunniva had only ever really known from her siblings. Lirika was the name she was given, as well as a surname that she was unfamiliar with. Not that Sunniva knew many of the wolves in these lands.

“Sunniva Jarvela at your service, miss Lunashka-Bane.” A smirk remained upon her features, her bright eyes curiously roving across the features of the other woman. It was funny how the wolves of this land caught her attention so. Not just as potential pawns, but as entertainment of sorts. Her thoughts turned towards that other woman again and Sunniva’s smirk faded. Perhaps she truly did rely on others far too much for her own satisfactions.

“A unique place we’ve stumbled upon, no?” Sunniva shifted on her paws, motioning down the hall. “I’ve lain no petty claims to this place. Feel free to search it if you’d like... Or...” She found that smirk returning. “Perhaps I could interest you in some sort of company?”

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