
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-15-2013, 10:16 PM
The dryness of her throat made Eria's form antsy. She didn't want to show it to Pontifex, but she couldn't help her front paws pressing into the ground. One at a time, they flexed their claws, pushed pressure onto the earth, then retracted the claws before the next one followed tu suite. Her tail lightly thumped the said ground, but its beats were muffled by the huge vacant air throughout the cavern. Her light ocean blue eyes were filled with an intense fire, the evidence that showed how thirsty she was. And yet, Eria took a soft breath in, closed her eyes, and felt a wave of patience and calmness ride down her form. She knew that she had to wait for the ice to break before she could attempt drinking from the cold water.
Her paws stopped their clenching, her tail remained still, and her eyes opened to watch Pontifex as he prepared himself. She took note of his paws on top of the ice, testing the thickness of it with self-made pressure. Silently, Eria hoped the ice would bend to his will and break without any problems. A light smile appeared across her face and she wrapped her now silent tail around her hind paws, warming them up within seconds. One thing Eria loved about herself was how thick her fur became when she was in wintery areas. The idea of being in Glaciem made her heart flutter and she began to think of her new home as she waited to hear the ice crack and break.