
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years
Extra large
06-30-2016, 07:34 AM

After the deal had been proposed, the Peregrine woman seemed to think for a moment. Or perhaps she was still a bit ruffled from the flirting. Ricochet loved to imagine it was the latter. She decided it would be her goal to see if she could entirely fluster this headstrong woman someday, sweep her off her feet as it were. Or paws, technically. That in itself could be a challenge, but challenges were something Ricochet was proud to say she never backed away from. At last Peregrine agreed to the deal and confidently pranced off in the direction she must have known would lead them away from these woods, throwing in a wink and a flick of the tail for good measure. Ricochet blinked, her nose twitching once from the sudden brush of fur. Oh, yeah, this girl was definitely up for it. Unless she was just being a tease, of course. And that wouldn't be very nice.

Ricochet followed the smaller woman through the woods, quickly becoming unsettled by the silence they were returned to. But fortunately, it didn't last very long, and soon Peregrine was talking again. But... what? Did she hear her right? Ricochet raised one brow, wanting to laugh but not wanting to give the woman the satisfaction. That indeed was a very weak line. But the dark woman was still pleased that she was flirting with her, so she let a smirk crack open, again revealing her sharp pearly whites.
“Good one,” she said in a flat voice, sarcasm painfully clear in her tone.
"No, I don't, if you were truly wondering. And how about you? Do you make a habit of coming to creepy ass forests and getting stuck in rotting wood?” The smirk remained. Her joke was better, at least she thought so. But that was probably because it was at the expense of the poor little Peregrine. Who, by the way, looked even better from behind when she didn't have her ass caught in some awkward positioning. Put simply, Ricochet didn't mind following close behind.

"I have to ask, sweetheart, because my curiosity is just killing me," she said dramatically, her low voice still purposefully flat with sarcasm. "What makes you such an interesting person to know?" She raised a brow again. Her words may have been dripping with sarcasm, but she was genuinely curious about this girl. Her bicolored eyes were bright with interest as she awaited a response. "I just figured I should know what I'm in for if I'm going to, you know, know you," she chuckled.

"Talk" "You" Think

R for Ricky