
Site-Wide Discussion


06-15-2013, 10:16 PM
I don't really believe people interacting more with each other within a certain circle is a problem overall, it's really when people are ignored because of these close inner circles, when people are forced to be in one group and not another and so forth is when it becomes an issue. This site is far more friendly to each other than on some other sites I've been on, and as always, community is one of the most unique things when it comes to RP sites... and this community is great. However, that's only really my experience here.

I realize many others have different experiences with this place and its users. It's understandable how those ignored are less vocal, I mean attention is so demonized nowadays that people can be afraid to try and bring attention to their issues in fear of being dismissed as "whiny" or something. I hope those who are ignored and genuinely hurt about it will contact somebody, from what I've gathered the event leading this wasn't entirely private, but it's great this was brought to attention.

It absolutely doesn't seem that people have ill intentions upon each other most of the time, although what is public drastically differs from what people may say privately or anonymous - it's important, at least, that whatever ill feelings towards each other don't disrupt things too much.

As stated the Cbox moves fast and if a subject is actively discussed upon, people ignoring others can be somewhat unavoidable

I'm a little scattered and on a lot of caffeine right now, so apologies for anything that may be easily misunderstood and such.