
my skin will scream



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
06-30-2016, 11:12 AM

Winter had brought relief from the disease that had torn his family apart, and the youngest child of Valentine Imperialis had used that time to work on regaining his strength. Luckily his youth and the resiliance that came with it worked in his favor and the tall yearling was back to his old self in very little time. Well, almost his old self. Valentine had returned, but had not brought back with him any of Chaos' missing half siblings. Which mean no Rhys. The brown-coated girl would probably tease Chaos unmercifully for it, but Chaos missed her terribly. Rhyme too, a little, but the older boy had always been a bit of a scaredy-cat and not much fun while his littermate had been the perfect partner in crime for a lonely young troublemaker like Chaos. Now all that were left of the Imperialis family were his full siblings. Which wasn't too bad, really, but it drove home the fragility of the family bonds that were supposed to be so unbreakable.

Chaos had decided on impulse to banish such brooding thoughts in a quick jaunt over to the battlefield to test his young body in a real fight. Oh sure, he could train with his mom and siblings, but he had to be really careful not to hurt them. But a real fight, he wouldn't have to hold back so much. It wouldn't matter if some stranger got hurt bad even if it was just a spar. He wondered what it would be like to be able to not hold back at all, like if it was a fight to maim someone or kill them. That would be kind of fun, a bit, and his gun-metal-grey muzzle parted in a toothy grin. Not now though. Mom would probably kill him if he got into that sort of fight at his age, even if he was an adult.

His ears pricked at the sound of a call to battle sounded nearby, and he altered his course towards it. He slowed from his lope to a halt several body-lengths from the caller, though, and cocked his head slightly to study her through narrowed, mismatched eyes. She was almost as tall as him, and massive. Fat, he decided, muzzle wrinkling in disgust. A fat old woman. He moved indecisively in place for a moment, crisp winter sunlight sending flashes of blue and purple from his clean charcoal pelt as he considered if it would even be worth his time to fight her. He was a young strong wolf rapidly approaching his prime, while she was clearly passed it. He finally issued a snort and settled into a fighting stance. Well, he didn't currently have a lot of opponents to choose from right now, did he? He bared the full length of his unnaturally long, flat fangs in a challenging grin. "Well?" he demanded of his would-be opponent.


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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write