
my skin will scream



5 Years
Extra large
06-30-2016, 05:07 PM
OOC NOTES: Contact me via PM or skype @ dakodda_ for questions. I am quit rusty! :)

The behemoth sat there, awaiting a challenger. Perhaps she would not even have one? Were the Wolves of this land going soft? A little snort fell from her chilled nose. When the woman left, previously, everyone was going soft. Even her disaster of a brother, Neios. Who had promised the world to Cascade and her. Pity he was nothing more then all talk. Yet, Nausica had her flaws. Constantly weaving in and out of her family's life due to lack of substance around her. But, now, she had that substance. Her children. Wherever they were, they gave her the willpower to move on. Just like her forsaken mother, the way she fought for Nausica and her siblings long ago. The purple hued woman would do the same, ten times over.

Soon, a young creature flicked into her view. He was of darker coloration like herself. Greys and charcoals mixed together to form a beautiful picture. White made its mark under his lovely, mismatched, eyes. Yet, what stuck out to her was his odd fangs, they were saber-esq. The beast had never seen such a thing on a Wolf and it only interested her more. Those lazy jowls parted, allowing his scent to flowing into her mouth. Dancing through her, there was an.. off scent about it. Something disgustingly familiar, yet the woman did not think to hard on the subject for his little, chipper, words filled her ears. "Well?" The beast stood, allowing the bits of white snow to flow from the shelves they rested upon. The girl shook herself off and allowing a crooked grin to swipe across her inky lips, exposing those yellow fangs. "You have no manners, boy." The battle-hardened bitch shook her head, rolling her shoulders for a moment. Slowly her front half dipped down in a marvelous bow, allowing her eyes to remain on his. He was taller, but she was stronger. Despite her age, the woman was still a force just due to her sheer size at that point. There was still fight in her, she was only 5 after all. As she stood up once more, her venomous tones met the air like a sickening kiss.  "I am Nausica Saxe, I would like the name of my opponent." Yet, she would not wait. Only a fool would wait. He was faster, therefore she decided she would have the first move.

Before hearing an answer, the woman allowed herself to obtain a defensive stand. Her lips slowly curled back, exposing those teeth even more and allowing that extra, fatty, skin to bunch up under her haunting purple eyes to protect the thin flesh above her cheekbones. Her eyes moved to squints, allowing her focus to be trained on directly on her target and lessening them as a target to flying paws or sunshine. Her two, obsidian, ears flicked back to allow her.. large form to be a little more aerodynamic and to hide them to refrain from accidental maims. Her head slowly pointed down, allowing her muzzle to hide her throat from any sort of fatal blows. As she did so, her hackles raised, her bodice tensing up enough to allow the extra skin and fat to roll up and protect her upper back/shoulders. The bitch's tail shot straight out, thus allowing her to have some needed balance. Her hardy legs bent at the knee slightly, allowing her to remain low ot the ground and be able to move with quickness when needed. Each paw was relaxed, spreading out the pads enough to firmly grip the ground for stability. Her claws flexed just enough to dig into the ground as well, when she decided to move each step would be a gripping one at that. All four of her legs were evenly spread out to distribute her weight with ease, for balance and stability as well.

The she-beast was ready for her assault. The little twerp was about two inches taller then her, which would allow for a slight advantage, but nothing remarkable. His true advantage would be his weight and age. She was older and had those momma pounds still. Therefore allowing her to be more or less a tank, rather then he, being more swift and agile. Everything weighed out in her mind, for everyone had their advantages. It was how you played into them that mattered. Her purple orbs were trained on him, watching for any weaknesses. Coming up short she decided that his legs would be her best bet.

The bear-like woman set off in a charge. A growl bubbled in the deepest parts of her throat as her steps carried her directly forward towards the boy. Due to their distance, he had a short amount of time to move if he had the reaction time for it. As the babe charged his way, she would ensure her head remained lowered for needed protection and her paws would allow her to veer off to her left. Yet, if she was allowed to close the distance between them, the woman would attempt to slam the right side of the upper bits of her chest into the Elbow Joint of his right front leg. Which was the joint that connected his Humerus (Upper leg) to his Radius (Lower Leg). If such an assault, purchased, thus would cause his right front leg to buckle back and knock his balance off enough for the girl to continue further. Also, if she did make impact, a grunt would be heard from Nausica, moderate bruising would form on the right side of her chest from their bodices colliding at such a great rate of speed and force. Upon impact, if she was successful enough, the woman would make her attempt to dart past the now unbalanced boy in the direction of his back right leg. If she made it that far the right side of her, fat, body would be against the right side of his own more lean body. Also, if she made it that far, the woman would snap her teeth for an attempt at a bite. The direction of the snaps would be in that of his right, back, flank. If one of the snaps of her teeth purchased, the babe would attempt to lock onto the flesh in a full on bite. Despite whether or not her attempts at the bite worked or not, the girl would move to try and raise her right front leg up in attempt to sling it across his lower back, right over his Lumbar. If successful, the bitch would attempt to push his lower half down by allowing all her weight to push to her right side. She would also ensure her two back paws were firmly dug into the ground, able to hold herself up with such a move. Due to her weight and his previous lack of balance, such a goal would not be hard to reach. But, it all depended on how well her initial attempt at a slam into his right leg worked and his reactions.

nausica vs Chaos

one. two. three.

for spar


Warning: Nausica is prone to swearing and violence. Attempting to maim, claim, or harm in some fashion is very common for her. Thread at your own will.