
First Impressions



4 Years
Extra large
06-30-2016, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2016, 09:22 PM by Ricochet.)
no one can be just like me
Ricochet was just trying to keep walking, trying to mind her own damned business. All she wanted right now was to get out of this place and get away from this woman. She was already starting to think the lady might be messed up in the head. But she hadn't seen anything yet. Ears twitched as the dark woman heard a growl behind her, steadily getting louder in the most unnerving of ways. She paused and started to look over her shoulder to see what was going on, but the woman was already there, at her side, breathing heavily and practically foaming at the mouth. Mismatched eyes widened as Ricochet stumbled back a step, honestly just trying to avoid the stream of drool that was starting to issue from the reeking jaws of the other woman. "What the hell?" she whispered to herself, about to raise her voice and ask the woman what her problem was.

But then she spoke.

Little Ricochet was inferior. Nothing but a pretty thing. With each word the larger woman felt her hackles pricking, standing completely on end by the time the last insult fell through those disgusting lips. The larger woman curled her own lip in response, a silent snarl. She hated being insulted. She hated it. Part of her, a very big part, wanted to rip into this woman for her stupid, stupid words. That part of her wanted a fight. But as the other woman pivoted to face her, she saw the truly rabid look in her eyes. This bitch was literally insane.

"No, the imbecile doesn't," she growled, narrowing her eyes. "Look, lady, I haven't the faintest idea what your problem is. But all I want is to be left alone, so why don't you take your boundless rage and go lecture a squirrel or something?" She didn't want to fight this drooling piece of insanity. Not anymore. What would be the point in trying to prove wrong a bunch of demented words anyway? It wasn't worth the effort.