
[aw] looking



4 Years
Extra large
07-01-2016, 06:22 PM
no one can be just like me
The snow would be melting soon. Already it was starting to feel squishy beneath her paws. Gross. Ricochet stepped through the snow, pausing now and then to shake clumps of the stuff off her massive paws. The trail of paw prints she left behind seemed to weave in a bunch of random directions. There were trees everywhere here, fruit bearing trees with thick branches holding lots of the heavy, cold, squishy white shit. She was weaving around the way she was in order to avoid the trees whenever possible. Twice already she had come close to having a load of snow dumped on her head.

As much as she detested the wet melting stuff, she was still excited about it warming up soon. She wanted the sun back. As she walked, she looked around this orchard place and started to imagine what it might be like with a little sunshine. Or in the summer, especially, the fruit all ripe and sweet. Yeah, she would definitely have to come back here later in the year. She was distracted suddenly with trying to memorize the place to find it again in the future and suddenly a tree branch decided to drop a little pile of snow and ice right on the brutish woman, hitting her square in the back. She made a sound that was half yelp and half snarl, darting away and quickly shaking herself out, swearing angrily under her breath. "Damn it, damn it," she growled, shaking herself one more time. But then she was aware that she had company, another woman about ten yards away. "Oh, hey," she said bluntly, trying to put on a cheap smile so she wouldn't appear to be a total bitch. Though, who was she kidding, really?

R for Ricky