
How Long

Sparrow I


7 Years
07-01-2016, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2016, 08:54 PM by Sparrow I.)
How long had she been in Imperium? It was winter when she had left Abaven, but spring had definitely set in. The snow had started to melt and the fresh grasses were starting to spring up. Slowly, everything had been turning green. It was funny, this was the first time she had seen the seasons change in these lands. This was the view Ashmedai and the rest of Imperium had grown used to, wasn't it?

She felt like she wasn't living her own life here. She was someone different. What if she had been raised here. Would she know how to fight better? Would she have been a warrior? She laughed a little at the thought. Sparrow, the little warrior. Life could have been so different. She knew that didn't mean it would be better, really, but she couldn't help but wonder.

Maybe it was time to move on. She had been here for a while already. She was getting comfortable living in a life that would never be. Imperium was gone. Even if the other members were around, they obviously had no interest in being a pack, whatever had happened. Just like that, the strongest thing Sparrow could think of had crumbled. It made her feel like a survivor in a way, but it also made her fell kind of empty.

Okay, it was definitely time to move on. Yup, there was nothing to see or do here, so it was time to move on.

Sparrow got up and shook her coat, exiting from the little area she had been resting. She took in a deep breath of air. Where to next?