
[aw] looking

Sparrow I


7 Years
07-01-2016, 10:52 PM
Her face was hot. How was her fur not singeing? She was hoping to see Ricochet do something dumb, but instead, the woman complimented her, then offered for her to tag along. So few words, that cool gesture with her head.

She was so cool.

She called her "Little Sparrow".

Oh man.

Sparrow was in deep trouble.

She followed, her heart hammering. She was trying to think of things to say while telling herself to shut up at the same time. She didn't know which option was better. She wanted to turn the attention to something else, but she didn't want to mess up her words again and just...

Sparrow let out a huffy breath, trying to calm herself. Even from behind this woman was really something. She was about the size of the Imperium wolves. She could probably lay on Sparrow and kill her. She didn't, however... at least not yet. Sparrow wouldn't mind being-

What was she thinking? She needed to stop. What was wrong with her? Was she just set to auto-drool at any wolf that was tall and nice to her? This wolf was a girl. Sparrow had never thought about girls... or guys for that matter. Now she was, though. Surely this wasn't the beginning of some crush? No, this wolf was just really... cool.

Sparrow needed to think of other words than just, "cool".

Sparrow found herself following a little too close. Did their fur brush together just then? Sparrow tried to distance herself without being too obvious. She was failing. She cleared her throat, "There, uh, used to be a pack here. A lot of their wolves were really tall. They were all strong warriors. I- uh- am not a warrior." Sparrow laughed at her own remark. It was obvious she wasn't a warrior.

Shut up, Sparrow.

Sparrow tried to coach herself. She didn't need to ramble. She needed to act cool and calm.

She wasn't cool and calm.