
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years
Extra large
07-02-2016, 06:46 AM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 09:51 AM by Ricochet.)
no one can be just like me
The fact that Peregrine was, in fact, serious about what she did made an even brighter smile come to the face of the dark dame. She wanted that. She wanted to go on adventures and find new places and new things. She was tired of living a boring life; she wanted to go down in history. And what Peregrine did, meeting wolves everywhere and spreading her trade? That had to go down in history somehow. And that could bring her a more positive kind of fame, as opposed to the infamy Ricochet had considered earning by picking fights and generally raising hell.

But, considering that had been her only known option thus far, it was also her only available response when Peregrine asked what sort of thing she did. Ricochet laughed and gave her a crooked smile as she replied, "Oh, you know, mess around and raise hell," she said, her words echoing her thoughts as her bicolored eyes glinted with mischief. “I’m always trying to find something fun and exciting to do. Ends up getting my ass in trouble, most of the time.” Like Peregrine, for example. She was something fun and exciting to, well, do. And already Ricochet could tell she had gotten herself into some deep shit this time. She grinned.

“Look, when I left home, it was to try and find a little adventure. And, honestly, I think I may have found it.” Pushing it a little? Maybe. But it was worth the risk. The worst she could do was say no and tell her to piss off, so why not just ask? “Any chance I could tag along, check your lifestyle out for myself? And you can call me Ricochet, by the way,” she said, finally giving Peregrine her name. She'd earned it. Already she could see the light growing brighter as the trees thinned out and the pair neared the edge of the woods. They were almost out of this creepy place, thanks to Peregrine. And so, she'd given the little lady her reward at last.