
it's coming down



5 Years
Extra large
07-02-2016, 09:45 AM
With carefulness he normally didn't possess Laufey slowly slipped out from under the tree where he'd spent the night. The illness that had he'd been stricken with had finally left him, but it had left him weaker than he'd ever been before. Only once had he been so sick, but he'd been a child then and his memories of it were vague. He'd been alone then and one thing he did remember clearly was the terror he'd felt. Thankfully this time he wasn't alone and while the viking would never admit to being afraid, he was comforted by the presence of his packmates.

Spying fresh tracks in the snow, Laufey decided to investigate. He knew very well who those footprints belonged to, but the size of them still surprised him. His children were growing up. So to, he thought bitterly, was his missing daughter Eisleif. One day she would return to him, he was certain of it. Stori had gone in search of Laufey's missing woman and daughter and Laufey prayed his search would be fruitful. The lost of his daughter and his own sickness had opened his eyes to just how precarious life was. He was determined to be there for his children; determined to give them the love and security he'd never had as a child. And more than anything else he wanted them to look back one day and remember him fondly. He didn't want them to hate or pity him like he hated and pitied his mothers.

The brute spied Asvor up ahead and picked up the pace in the hopes of catching up to her. She was walking away from him but he still had quite a bit of height on her and his much longer strides covered ground much faster. "Looking for trouble?" he rumbled playfully.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.