
Together We Stand {Bass Family}



3 Years
07-02-2016, 10:32 AM
His father's reaction, while not what he'd been hoping for, was what he'd expected. He couldn't imagine what Bass was going through. At least Bass was positive, although the sigh before the words didn't give Pipit a lot of confidence in the words. Pipit nodded. "Hopefully," he murmured as Piper arrived and his father's attention was diverted to the younger Destruction.

The others soon arrived with Lark moving to sit down beside him. With his brother settling in Pipit nonchalantly leaned over to bump shoulders with him in greeting. He didn't say anything, but briefly glanced over in the hopes of making eye contact before his gaze was pulled away as Finch arrived. It would appear that she was going to be the last to arrive and briefly Pipit wondered where the rest were.

"...I'm sure you have all realized that your mother has once again vanished." Pipit nodded slowly, his ears pulling back briefly as his father's hurt tone registered. Bass' next words caused his ears to flick back and stay back longer. After a few moments he nodded firmly. That had to have been a hard decision for his father to make and while the thought of once and for all cutting his mother out of Abaven stung, Pipit had to agree. The decision was harsh, but it was a decision that was long overdue. Nonetheless he was saddened by it.

It didn't surprise Pipit to learn that Starling had left. He'd always been a bit of an attention-seeking drama queen and this, Pipit wasn't too sure that this wasn't just another attempt to get the spotlight. His sibling was kind-hearted and genuine, but far too tender-hearted and easily wounded. Pipit hoped that while he wandered Starling would have a chance to truly think and maybe, just maybe, come back a stronger man. Assuming of course that he came back. Perhaps he would find his confidence elsewhere.