
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years
Extra large
07-02-2016, 02:03 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 02:10 PM by Ricochet.)

The two women continued to walk side by side to the edge of the forest, the trees getting smaller and the weak winter sunlight fighting to permeate the fog and the shadows. But the creepiness and gloom had been gone for some time now, thanks to the company of the chocolatey dame beside her. Ricochet looked back into the silvery eyes of the woman, smirking at her words. Trouble was her old friend. Ricochet didn't doubt that for a minute. However, she definitely had doubts about the part where her ass was supposedly safe with Peregrine. That was far from the truth, and she knew it. "I'm not too worried about the safety of my ass," the masculine woman chuckled. "I think I'd be more worried about yours, sweetheart. You have such a pretty little ass, wouldn't want it getting hurt, would we?" At this Ricochet grinned teasingly and bumped their hips together, tail flipping lightly to swipe at one of her hind legs. Revenge for the tail to the nose stunt Peregrine had pulled earlier.

For a moment they continued to walk, until Ricochet asked about tagging along. After this the smaller woman slowed dramatically and the brute had to do the same to try and match her stride. But then they stopped completely. "What?" she asked bluntly, until she figured out that she was being teased by Peregrine again. She made point of looking unimpressed, raising a brow to show that she wasn't amused. Dangerous? The worst thing that probably ever happened was... well, getting your ass stuck under a log. But Ricochet could handle that. She was tough, she could handle just about anything. When at last the coy teasing was over, Peregrine said yes. She would love to have Ricochet along. The large woman smiled and started to say something, but then another creature appeared, something small that was swinging through the trees. Was it some kind of monkey? No, what the hell would a monkey be doing here? She narrowed her mismatched eyes and listened with mild surprise as the creature spoke in a canine tongue, sliding down the nearest tree to rest at their feet.

The brutish woman watched in genuine surprise as Peregrine interacted with it, pawing at it playfully and taking part in what seemed to be a healthy dose of banter. But Ricochet was confused as fuck at this point. The face she was making probably made that clear, brow furrowed and mouth slightly twisted in what seemed to be a mix of a frown and a disgusted grimace. What is this? Ricochet had been reduced to this now? She curled her lip a bit, already not fond of the creature. Though of course she would never, ever admit that her feelings had something to do with the fact that the monkey thing was standing between her and Peregrine. And it didn't smell good either.

"The woman has a name, monkey," she grumbled, looking down at the tiny creature. One of her paws was probably bigger than its whole head. "And for the record," she said, looking to Peregrine with a lopsided smirk, "I don't mind at all. You can feel free to drag me wherever you want." This, of course, came with a flirtatious wink. Cherry on top. See what Peregrine and her little monkey thought of that.

"Talk" "You" Think