
Chasing Ghosts



4 Years
Dire wolf
07-02-2016, 10:01 PM

In the way which the child looked at him, he knew that she was no stranger to larger wolves. He would hope not, being that large had to come from somewhere. Although he could remember one litter a lady had back home, just one massive pup when both she and the hunter had been rather small. Shaking away the memory, he had been white and killed, he drew his attention back to the poor girl. She seemed to be trying to hide the fact that she was crying, so he made no comment on it. He didn't react to her sniffles, although sympathy burned inside him. He wished he could just pat her on the head and tell her that it would all be alright. He had always been a strong warrior and the more manly man type, while still a gentleman he wasn't the best with... feelings. When she explained seeing her brother, his ears pulled back slightly. He had heard about this place and the ghosts it held, but he didn't want to tell her that. Should he just humor her and help her look, or would that be more harmful when she couldn't find him. He fell silent for several moments, fighting with himself on what to do. If he told her, she probably wouldn't believe him. She had looked very determined when she went crashing after him and trying to find his scent. Gwen's heart broke for the poor chocolate marked wolf, and as he shuffled on his paws he made a choice. Nodding his head he began to poke around for any scents that may still linger around them. He wasn't too sure he wanted to believe that spirits called this place home, so this was the safest bet. Maybe they would find out together. "I'm Gwenaël, by the way," the giant said, lifting his head to gaze at the girl once more. "I am curious, girl. Do you believe in ghosts?" The deer marked man was trying to keep conversation light, to not give too much away about what he was getting at. He was for sure beating around the bush, unsure if she would be able to pick up on it or not.

"Burn Baby Burn"