
A Little Twist Of Faite



4 Years
07-02-2016, 10:31 PM
The northernmost lands, as well as winter seemed a distant memory now, though in reality it had not been all that long ago. He was merely pleased to have completely left behind the desolate landscape that he had spent so many days wandering aimlessly through. Adrian had grown accustomed to his life of solitude, but when almost every day he was greeted by a vast expanse of nothingness, with only a few exceptions, it could prove to be quite lonely and.. depressing. Although it had made him stronger too, both mentally and physically. He was realizing that now.

None of that mattered now, however. Prey was plentiful, free for the taking, spring plants and flowers were quite literally everywhere, and the best part was.. the fields seemed to go on forever. There was not one mountain in sight. Only small hills, which he could easily traverse. He'd not been so content in quite a good amount of time.

With every one of the important needs met for the moment with the exception of shelter, the sandy wolf was free to explore the land at his choosing. As usual, he had no particular direction, but his paws still somehow managed to carry him to a place that was incredibly out of the ordinary from what he'd seen so far. It had started out the same, just a small hill leading up to another expanse of land, but when he'd discovered the.. object, he had then begun to notice all of the other things around.

Small things, mostly, that one could potentially miss. Golden eyes stared down at the thing before him. The object was long and thin, seeming to be made out of wood, albeit incredibly smooth, unlike anything he'd ever seen before except when it was very old. It was also made of some other element that was not quite like anything he had ever seen before. Everything here was.. unnatural. What could this thing be? What purpose did it, or had it served?

A number of questions ran through Adrian's mind. Unfortunately he realized, he would probably never get them answered, unless he looked for them himself. And even then, most of his answers would probably only be his best guess. Wandering a little further, he discovered something even more intriguing that lie contained within a slight dip in the land.

This object (wrecked tank) was large, and seemed to be made of a similar material to what the other half of the smaller object was. It was obviously old and disfigured, appearing kind of like a cave with a gaping hole in the side of it, and it seemed to beckon him forth. Adrian approached it, completely forgetting about caution, only pausing once he was close enough to rest his paw upon it's surface. Again, smooth and cold to the touch. But not like rock, this had a different feel to it.

Realizing he could go in further, he did just that, climbing into the rather small, confined space. His eyes eagerly studied every detail within the interior of the thing, even if he still had no idea as to what he was looking at. Perhaps it could function as a shelter, though. He was out of the sun, and it might also keep him dry from rain. He would just need to find a way to make the surface a bit more comfortable to lie on.