
Ye Ol' Chatterboxes

Oleander I


4 Years
07-03-2016, 12:49 PM

Oleander hadn't even noticed the strangers on the lands he now called home. Now that spring was here he had a series of seeds to sow and old dead ones to clear out. A lot of the herbs and crops seemed to grow here naturally, but he wanted to reign in the unruliness of them all. He wished to at one point build a fence around his established garden, discouraging prey animals from making them into a snack. But for now, he had a lot of work cut out for him. He was so focused on his task, humming as he pulled up dried stalks, that he didn't hear the owl or even smell his wolf friend. Cedar was patrolling the borders, probably on the lookout for rodents who would make a quick meal out of his freshly planted seeds. It was the jackal who approached the two strangers, his ears held back slightly as his brother continued to uproot dead plants. "What brings you two here?" he asked warily. Since him and his brother had settled here, they hadn't run into two many strangers. He knew that just him and Ollie could not hold claim to an area this large, but it didn't mean that he wasn't protective of it. There would be plants here soon, and fences around the crops. It would be more in order once they were able to tame the wildness here, and he didn't want just anyone snooping around.

Ollie's ears flickered at Cedar's voice, his head raising with a mouthful of wilted flowers. It was then that he finally saw the owl and the large boy, his head tilting to the side. As he saw Cedar's hackles raise, concern flooded over his features. Dropping what was in his mouth in the growing pile of expired plants, he slowly picked his way to his brother's side. His dark teal eyes appraised the two, but no words left his maw. His face was stoic, no real emotion showing on his features. Only his eyes showed his slight worry, unsure if these wolves would be hostile or not.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.