
turn off all the lights



7 Years
06-16-2013, 12:55 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Winter spread its cold hands outward across Alacritia, even in the southern reaches of lands. The air was chilled here, making the russet and black she-wolf grateful for her thick winter coat, though as Tahlia knew that was nothing out of the ordinary for this place. What was out of the ordinary was the thin layer of snow that sat upward upon the beach, stopping just short of where the waters had reached when the tide had been in. It was not often that she got to see snow, and as she stepped through it to reach the shoreline and the tide pools that sat there she took her time, listening to the crunch as it settled under her weight and noting the coldness of it upon her pads. So strange! she wondered to herself, a vague smile about her face. She was used to cold, was used to wet weather, but snow was something new. She was eager to see more of it later on.

But that was for another time. Her interests on this day had solely to do with the tide pools. The she-wolf padded out of the snow and onto the cold, grainy sand, still damp from the receded tide, and continued across it toward the rocky section of the shoreline. The waters seemed particularly calm this day, or as calm as an ever active beach could be, the waves rolling in gently and rumbling soothingly against the sands. The sound and cool breeze were quite enjoyable as she set her amber eyes upon the first and turned her face into the second. A nice change from the Range where she lived.

She slowed as she reached the tide pools, eyes alert and scanning over them. There wasn't much in terms of easy pickings at the moment, but she was hopeful. Whatever the change in the weather above the water, the changes in temperatures below were less excessive, and even now she suspected there to be some fish somewhere that might make for a good, quick meal. She was eager for the challenge of fishing in a new location, curious as to what kinds of other foods could be caught here if she set her mind to it. Bringing something back to Seracia to share would surely open up the menu there a bit and add a little variety. Tahlia stopped beside one of the tide pools and lowered her nose to the water, wrinkling it slightly at the strong smell it gave off but trying to peer beneath its surface for what sat below. Nothing in this one. Carefully stepping across the wet stones that made up the pools, she continued along, occasionally peering downward into the small, shallow beds of water or peering off out into the waves.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier