
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years

07-03-2016, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2016, 08:35 PM by Peregrine.)

Pretty little ass, hmm? Suspicions totally confirmed, as if they hadn't been already. All the same Peregrine let a laugh bubble up from her gut. Truthfully Ricochet had a point, Peregrine did get herself into trouble. A lot. A mix of poor judgement and worse luck had left her stranded downstream more often than once. The fact that she seemed less than pleased with Tsiry and the way she was being treated just tickled her pink. Her head tilted back and she let out a chorus of ringing laughter. "Oh no, don't get too upset. She's more than earned her ire, and you'll learn too if you mean to call me companion," she tossed out with yet another wink. This one had something mischievous in it, (only flirting a tiny bit,) and wholeheartedly a warning. Tsiry just rolled her eyes and shook her head, but she was just as bound to Peregrine as Ricky now was.

The girl had a purpose, that was plain and simple. Tsiry wanted to see the world and Peregrine offered a modicum of protection, not to mention convenient transportation and occasionally stimulating conversation. If this new dark coated canine meant to come along... Tsiry eyed her from top to bottom and up again. Fine. She was large and seemed strong, but she absolutely did not like the way she was looking at her hired meat-turned-friend. Peregrine would introduce them with a unusually polite cough. Tsiry eyed her, looking for that sarcastic glint she was all too familiar with. "Ricochet, this is Tsiry Cosoi, my guide and assistant. She's a lemur!" Tsiry clambered up her back, just to tweak her ear. "I am no one's assistant. You are meant to defend me during my travels, and I teach you while we go. That was the deal." Peregrine just cackled, pleased to have riled the prosimian, and Tsiry knew at once that had been her goal all along. Peregrine looked back to Ricochet and lifted a brow while Tsiry fumed. Was she really ready to sign on with them? Most wolves who had met Peregrine in the past preferred her in small doses, after all, a trait she'd long embraced. The word 'intolerable' had been tossed around once or twice, not that she minded. Seeing how long Ricochet lasted would be a fun way to pass the time, she justified. Suuurrree...

"Talk" "You" Think