
Do You Come Here Often?



4 Years

07-03-2016, 09:26 PM

Ricochet seemed confident, but Peregrine would would out until she dragged the woman up the side of a fjord or into a lava pit or some other such shit. It had happened before! Peregrine was convinced that the larger woman had no idea what she'd just signed up for. Whether that was true or not did not matter to her, of course. Peregrine was more than happy to drag Ricochet along for the entertainment value alone; at this point she was really just hoping for the best. She was wary of putting too much trust into anything at all, let alone a veritable stranger (never mind how intriguing this stranger had so far proved.) Tsiry made to jump from her shoulders when Ricochet teased her, but the brown woman felt her tense before she leaped. Quickly Peregrine lurched to the side, taking the ground out from beneath her smaller friend's feet. She collapsed into it, growling all the while. "Whoa there, feisty pants. Lead by example, right?" Tsiry glared.

Peregrine sent Tsiry a dry glance and said, "You can settle this after we've cleared the forest. If I have to bury a carcass I don't wanna deal with all these damn roots." To that the lemur fell quiet, but her distaste for their newest addition did not. In her mind the litany of insults raged on, but on the outside she simply hunkered down on Peregrine's back, fists woven deep into her mane and satchel still strapped tight. She turned back to Ricochet and asked, "How are you at hunting, out of curiosity?" She worried against telling Ricochet the true depths of her disparity. She was not like other wolves, she just could not grasp the art. This, she decided, would be crucial. Quietly, her stomach growled.

"Talk" "You" Think