
Taking Off

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
07-05-2016, 09:25 PM
ooc:  you’re not alone!  I’ll try to be quicker next post btw, just trying to get my mind back in this again.

Like a vulture to carrion Birna did not have to wait long for an answer to her call.  A large, yet thin woman approached her stating simply ‘a spar’.  Birna nodded.  There really wasn’t a need to have a conversation.  They both knew what they were here for.  Blood.  Birna gracefully lowered her head and tail to align with her spine, her head tilting forward just slightly as she tucked her chin, her neck scrunching back and shoulders rolling forward to push fur and fat into elegant folds around her vitals.  Her fur and hackles stood on end as her limbs coiled to lower her center of gravity, spreading out just slightly wider than her hips and shoulders equally distributing her weight.  A good solid stance but also one that was ready to move for Birna had no intention of sitting still like unaware prey.  Her toes splayed across frozen ground, claws bitting into the snow packed from her weight.  Birna’s eyes narrowed, her jaws parting in preparation for the bite, her brow wrinkling as she snarled.  Her ears pinned tight to her head and she kicked violently off, charging toward Schon as the other woman charged toward her.

Craving a crushing meeting Birna sought to charge directly head-on, powerful muscles pushing her violently forward as she attempted to close the distance between the pair with violent ferocity.  As Schon raised her upper body Birna sought to throw herself literally into the slender arms of her opponent as she thrust the exact center her of her chest violently forward hoping to slam it into the lower underside of Schon’s neck several inches above the sternum.  Birna would push herself forward with all four limbs, hoping to increase her power enough that she might topple the other woman over backwards and onto her backside where Birna’s fangs could get at her underbelly.

Making no effort to dodge the woman’s forelimbs Schon’s arms would wrap around the base of Birna’s neck, her left forepaw across Birna’s right shoulder and her right forepaw across Birna’s left shoulder.  She could feel the paws flex, trying to cling to her but with her thick winter pelt the claws would fail to leave any damage on Birna’s form.

Simultaneously as Birna had charged forward for her chest slam her head would tilt to her left, gaping jaws seeking to latch around Schon’s throat just an inch below the tan woman’s jawline.  Her top fangs aiming to pierce flesh on the upper right of Schon’s neck, her lower fangs on the upper left with that tender, succulent throat in the middle.  Birna’s goal was to snap her jaws together with enough force to choke out her opponent but without crushing the woman’s windpipe.  Birna sparred brutally but it was not her goal to kill.

As her head tilted for her attack Schon’s fangs would draw first blood by tearing minor lacerations into the the upper right side of her neck just behind the ear but a few inches lower due to Birna’s tilting head displacing the attack.

-- You Can Bury My Body But I'll Never Die --
Birna vs Schon for Spar Rd. 1 / 3

[Image: 262ny8g.png]