
plots with lua <3



4 Years
07-06-2016, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2016, 12:15 PM by Lualia.)
lualia plots!

Hi everyone! I'm Farah, and this is my crankybutt Lualia <3 She seems innocent and kind, but she's pretty much plotting the demise of everyone she meets... LOL. I think I'm going to plop her down in Fiori. Hopefully some order will help her angry and shattered psyche, and she can have a place to call home! I'd love to write lots of things with everyone, because I am just BRIMMING with muse =D

Some potential plot ideas:

▶ Lurve interest! Lua is well... she's a Lua. She's a total flirt and what some might call a whore in some situations.. xD. However, she would really like someone who is stable and can dive in and try to uncover the soul that thrives beneath her hard-shell exterior. This comes with fair warning that the man will have to put in some serious effort to get there. She would eventually love a family to replace the hole in her heart for the one she never had.

▶ Male harem? Sounds pretty cool to be honest, whether it would be official or not ;)

▶ Like minded minions companions to spend her time with. She has a very devouring personality, and having others to combat it would amuse her and perk her curiosity in pursuing dangerous conversations.

▶ Finding a very loyal friend! She needs a lot of work, and it's probably really likely that no sane creature would like to be around her due to her instability and mood swings. However, If someone wins her trust, they'll be taken under her wing forever.

▶ Family members for her would really be cool in the future or near future or now or whatever?! She has amnesia from birth to around a year of age, so she has no recollection of her parents, siblings, birth pack, etc. It would be really cool to possibly get her involved in some of that!

▶ I really want her to get some training, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm all about max results! If we could shoot out a couple of spars and things like that, different opportunities for her to grow skills, that'd be great!