
Set Apart this Dream



06-16-2013, 12:10 PM

All in all, this was turning out to be the best meeting Cormalin had been to in a while. Chrysanthe was already showing her worth, and it was her first meeting. He had a strong feeling that any decisions concerning the pack Chrysanthe might make, she would speak with them first, get the pack?s insight and opinions. Black muzzle pulled into a faint frown as he noted how few the adults were. And that little white lass Rosalie, the one he?d encountered and Aislyn had accepted, was no where to be seen. Preston, Soleil, Collision, and several others that had been at meetings previously, were absent.

Mismatched eyes swept the gathered wolves as Chrysanthe spoke to them, watching their faces as her words encompassed them. He was pleased at the news of the wedding. It wasn?t a tradition that he and Erani had grown up in, though In the Alliance between the Nomads and Redwood pack there was a pact that stated that Healers born in the Pack were eligible to become mates with one of the Nomad Healers offspring. He, Erani, and their siblings were product of that pact. But the mating would only go on if the two prospects loved one another. It was strongly believed that a Healer pair worked together best if their was love in the bond. If the two didn?t love one another, there would be no mating.

Since Redwood pack?s death, he supposed that tradition was gone. And in any case, Erani was deeply in love with her chosen mate. His eyes slid to look at them. He missed his mate. She had died birthing their children. Their one and only litter. He wished he could have brought his children here with him. But he couldn?t have cared for them. He wasn?t female. And his friends had lost their children in the same night, Amber had been blessed with so much milk, and cursed with the loss of her children. So it had been a natural step to give children that needed her to her, who needed them. He hoped they had grown happy and strong.

Chrysanthe moved on to Ranks. He liked where she was going with them. It was indeed best to begin with those one trusted most. Aislyn would remain as the female Beta. Chrysanthe didn?t name a male Beta. So that was open. Thane was Ranked to a new, or newly named Rank, Delta. There was a second spot open in that rank. He kept that filed away in his mind. Her next words made him grin. He?d had a feeling that Chrysanthe wouldn?t let Erani?s lack of Rank continue with her own reign. Ashtoreth was moved to Lead Hunter. He gave a grin to Ashtoreth, who looked surprised and pleased, as he leaned against his sister in pleasure at her return to rank. Erani and Ashtoreth were trustworthy in their ranks. His sister had proven herself time and time again as the Lead Healer, and in his opinion should never have been stripped of a rank she filled so well.

Preston was lowered to a Healer, along with Rayne and Soleil. He gave a grin to Nova as the giant black male was given a rank that marked him as a warrior in the pack. Syrinx, who had once been an Heir himself, was also a Warrior now. Cormalin waited to see what else she would start them out with. He was given no rank himself, nor was Obsidian, but he didn?t mind. To him, good ranks came as you earned them. All the wolves Chryanthe had given ranks to or had promoted them to had earned them in some way. He would earn his way up.

He smiled as Azalea was given the place of Heir. He glanced at he dark headed girl, who looked startled, but took it in stride. His attention turned back to Chrysanthe, though out of the corner of his eye he saw Ookami arrive late. So far, Chrysanthe was turning out to be a wonderful Alpha. She actually told them to come to her whenever they needed to speak to her, instead of letting the silent presumption that all of them would know this hang in the air. She was making all the right moves. And he hoped this would continue throughout her reign as Alpha.

The meeting began to end, slowly, and he let any wolves who wanted to announce their hopeful training choices to Chrysanthe, before gave Erani a lick on the shoulder, rose, and approached the young Leader and Aislyn. Quietly, he spoke. ?I have a strong idea of what I want to do. But I would like to discuss it with the two of you alone, later perhaps?? Mismatched eyes studied Chrysanthe with an approving twinkle. ?You did very well for your first meeting. You?re a natural Leader, and it shows.? He would wait for their acceptance of a meeting before he would head out.